Education Service Contracting (ESC)

For Junior High School Students

Program Desciption

Education Service Contracting (ESC) is a partnership program by the Department of Education (DepEd) aimed at decongesting overcrowded public junior high schools. In ESC, the excess capacities of certified private junior high schools are “contracted” through slot allocations for students who would otherwise have gone to public schools. The slots come with subsidies called ESC grants, and program beneficiaries are called ESC grantees or, for the purposes of these guidelines, simply grantees.

Role of PEAC

The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) has been contracted by the DepEd to administer the ESC and TSS programs. PEAC is the trustee of the Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE), a perpetual fund created to provide assistance to private education in the country. PEAC is represented nationally by its National Secretariat (PEAC NS) and in each region by its Regional Secretariats (PEAC RS).

The PEAC NS has the following responsibilities:

*Provide the infrastructure, systems, coordination and controls required for the smooth implementation of the ESC and TSS programs

*Provide in-service training of teachers in ESC-participating JHSs and conduct pertinent research

The PEAC RSs shall be the first line of program support to ESC-participating JHSs in the regions.

The PEAC RS has the following responsibilities:

*Manage day-to-day implementation and coordinate its efforts with its efforts with its RPCom and the PEAC NS

*Advise, guide and/or assist schools in complying with the guidelines

Conduct field audits and training and mentoring sessions as may be needed in their regions.

The Regional Program Committees (RPComs) shall oversee compliance of participating schools in their regions with the policies and guidelines of the GASTPE programs of assistance. It shall resolve problems that may occur and recommend measures to improve program implementation. The RPCom in each region is composed of representatives from DepEd and the PEAC RS with the DepEd Regional Director as Chair and the PEAC Regional Program Director as Co-Chair.


ESC-participating JHSs shall provide grantees with education that meets or exceeds the minimum standards set by DepEd. They shall orient grantees and their parents on the ESC, encode correct and complete information in the ESC IMS, prepare billing statement packages, undergo certification, and comply with these guidelines.

(from DO 20, s.2017: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Educational Service Contracting and Teachers’ Salary Subsidy Programs in Junior High School Effective School Year 2017-2018)