San Agustin Institute of Technology (SAIT) was established in 1960 out of funds solicited from abroad by Fr. Manlio, S.J. the Catholic Priest assigned in Valencia, Bukidnon. It started as a general high school with 101 students attending classes in the parish convent.

In 1964, MISEREOR provided assistance to SAIT in terms of equipment and instructional devices and technical services from the German Technicians who assisted the founder-director in developing a Specialized Vocational Course for girls and a Trade Technical course for boys – a Special Automotive Mechanic course.

On March 5, 2008, SAIT was able to launch the Fr. Caroselli, S.J., Development Foundation Inc. This foundation was founded in order to help the poor-but-deserving students; helping them make a difference in their life and the lives of others. Under the present administration, SAIT is made to effect improvements for the development of the students.


In union with St. Augustine, our patron, and Mary, our model, we commit ourselves to:

Provide holistic quality Catholic Education and form individuals as true witnesses of the gospel values.

Uphold academic excellence and equip graduates with relevant knowledge and skills for the needs of the immediate community.

Engage in knowledge generation, dissemination and utilization through research.

Mold upright individuals responsive to the needs of the society.


A leading Private Catholic Educational
Institution producing well-integrated persons,
responsive to the society by 2025.


A well-integrated Agustinian graduate
who is competent, committed, and
practicing values with sacrifice and perseverance.


Education at San Agustin Institute of Technology is founded on the principle of total human formation and that the end product of academic endeavor is the formation of persons sensitive to the call to protect our common home.

We commit ourselves to faithfully comply with the expectations of students, parents, alumni, statutory and regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders.

We will continue to provide quality management system through continuous improvements and innovations in terms of faculty development, instructional processes, support, linkages in research and extension services to produce a well-rounded and competent professional.

The SAIT Administrative Council

A dedicated team overseeing strategic decisions and operational management, ensuring effective governance and the advancement of SAIT's mission and vision.